Chemistry is a very important branch of science. Chemistry is the study of science that deals with constituents of matter like atoms molecules, ions etc.; and its properties, structure, behaviour, and interactions among them. Since everything is made up of atoms and molecules, we can see the chemistry all around us.
Food – Food we eat is nothing but a mixture of various chemicals.
Detergents and Soaps – We use detergents and soaps for cleaning, bathing, washing etc.
Medicine – Drugs are made of chemicals which are produced in pharmaceutical industries. The knowledge of chemistry is vital for pharmacists and doctors.
Textiles – Raw materials used in textile industries are wool, silk, jute, cotton, flax, glass fibre, polyester, acrylic, nylon etc. These materials are transformed into usable finished products like clothes, bags, carpets, furniture, towels, flags, nets, balloons etc.
Building & Construction – Chemistry governs the performance of buildings. Building materials play a significant role in improving the performance of buildings. Coating chemicals like acrylics, silicones, urethanes are responsible for reflective roofs, which decreases the heat transfer. Polymers like polyurethane reduce the weight of buildings, which reduces the civil cost. Insulators like polyurethane foams, polystyrene foams decrease the heat leaks or in other words, improves the energy efficiency of the building.
Paper and pulp industries – Over the last few decades, paper and pulp industries are responsible for negative impacts on the environment. Paper and pulp industries are facing grave challenges to meet environmental norms.
Fuel – Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, kerosene, oils, hydrogen etc are all fuel produced from complex refining processes.
Battery – Batteries are used in cars, cell phones, laptops, watches, flashlights, and many other power storage applications. Batteries work based on the principle of electrochemistry.
Environmental Protection – Chemistry is the central subject in the study of environmental conservation. All those pollutants and greenhouse gases nothing but hazardous chemicals.
Forensic – Forensic chemistry has made jobs of police officers a lot easier. Forensic helps to identify criminals by detecting chemical evidence left behind crime scenes. Chemical techniques used by forensic investigators are spectroscopy, chromatography, X-ray diffractometry, colour tests, melting point analysis etc.
We are a biological organism made up of various biochemicals like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, lipids etc. Our biological processes like digestion, respiration, cellular metabolism, reproduction, and many others are accomplished by biochemical reactions. In nutshell, we will not exist without chemistry.
Chemistry also contributes to the growth of a country. Chemical production increases the GDP of a nation. Chemical industries also generate employment. Therefore, it is important for students to effectively study Chemistry.